Occupational Health and Safety

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Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety

Adhorna is committed to implementing and developing an Occupational Health and Safety system that is comprehensive in its set of activities and decisions, in terms of both technical processes as well as work organisation and conditions that are performed, including all hierarchical levels..
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Occupational Health and Safety

OHS policy influences both people working at the company and outside places as well as work teams. In this sense, Adhorna assumes the following commitments:

  • Comply with applicable laws regarding occupational health and safety.
  • Promote continuous improvement for behaviour and occupational health and safety levels.
  • Involve all staff in the responsibility of managing occupational health and safety, including contractors and collaborators, with the active commitment of improving its employees working conditions.
  • Foster participation, information, training and consultation for all staff, including temporary and outside workers who perform work in the facilities, in order to maintain an adequate level of company preparedness.

Adhorna applies measures that integrate general occupational health and safety duties under the following general principles:

  • Avoid hazards and evaluate risks that cannot be avoided.
  • Fight against risks at their source.
  • Adapt work to the individual, specifically in regard to thinking up job positions, choosing work teams and working methods and for production, with a particular eye towards minimising monotonous and repetitive work and reducing its health impact.
  • Take into account technical progress.
  • Replace dangerous behaviour or activities with safer or very safe ones.
  • Plan occupational health and safety; seek a consistent unit that integrates technique, work organisation, work conditions, social relationships, and influence of two environmental factors in work.
  • Adopt measures that put group health and safety in the hands of the individual.
  • Give proper instructions to workers.
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